
CNR Finance Online Radio

CNR Finance Online Radio:

CNR Finance Radio China’s Voice of Economy. It is China’s most influential financial broadcast, and it is the only financial professional broadcasting frequency in China.

This is a well-known radio station. It provides satisfaction to all people. This radio has a lot of listeners in the world. So stay with us.

CNR Radio or CNR Radio (formally the Canadian National Railway Radio Division) is the main public radio organization in North America.

It was created, possessed and worked by the Canadian National Railway to give course diversion and data to prepare travelers.

Any occupant in the inclusion space of ​​the station transmitter could get the transmission, so the organization gave radio programming to Canadians from the Pacific coast (Vancouver) to the Atlantic coast (Halifax).

During its nine years of presence, CNR Radio gave music, sports, data and dramatization programming for Canadians.

The writing computer programs was created in English, French, and infrequently in the dialects ​​of the initial not many countries, and was dispersed cross country through the railroads’ own message lines and to broadcast appointment leased at other private radio broadcasts.

Be that as it may, political and serious pressing factors constrained CNR Radio to close down, moving a large number of its assets and staff to another administration run body, the Canadian Radio Broadcasting Commission (CRBC), which in the end ran the Canadian Broadcasting Corporation.

Radio Contact info:

Address: 北京复兴门外大街2号

Phone: 010-86093114

Email: jingji@cnr.cn
